Recent content by Fredouille

  1. F

    Anyone 'pepped their brake lights up' yet, as Vyvyan would say?

    I received the cables, it works, they are the correct plugs, and I have no faults.
  2. F

    Tow bar

  3. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4

    I didn't use a relay just a fuse bypass (see my message with the photo) but I kept the fuse sold with the LED. I was able to pass the wires outside the fuse box without cutting anything, I only extended the power wire to follow the cover and the hinge and put the fuse sold with the LED in the...
  4. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4

    I don't have the direction indicators, because I don't like them. To connect the indicators there is no adapter: I make modifications which are reversible. I don't want to cut electrical wires or make holes. I made an exception for the towbar hole
  5. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4

    Here is my assembly, I extended the electrical wire to follow the bodywork and the hood hinge. The fuses are in the box which closes.
  6. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4

    I was able to put the fuse in the fuse box and close it.
  7. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4

    Hello French friend, I haven't had any problems with the headlight plastics. It's at the corners of the hood that it's more difficult. You must use good quality tape. I have to extend the power wire because the fuse is not well under the hood and I'm afraid it will get wet in the rain. For the...
  8. F

    MG4 Frunk now available

    There you go, it's loaded, I was able to put in it: my my charger for the house and my T2/T2 cable, my cable for the V2l, an energy meter, my 3 high visibility vests for the rear passengers that I never have, my Witter sign collar, and part of gloves and some rags. You don't need to add anything...
  9. F

    MG4 Frunk now available

    Here is the frunk from for the Mg 4 (Luxury) Trophy.
  10. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4

    the F89 fuse is a +acc, this allows you to turn on the LED only when the car starts and turn it off when stopping without adding a switch. If you do not understand this, do not attempt to do it yourself, you could seriously damage your car. Here is the LED installed and in operation
  11. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4
  12. F

    L.E.D bonnet light strip MG4

    the F89 fuse in the engine compartment is +ACC
  13. F

    Tow bar

    Good morning, Do you have the towbar reference? Thank you
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