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  1. C

    Charging MG5LR pre FL using CCS in France

    Lidl is easy to use with the Qr code. ABRP will show faster chargers near your route. Chargemap likewise, plus their card is a usual backup card. Enjoy your trip Btw there is a Critair system in France (similar to Ulez) that is being implemented in large cities, tho I don't know what happens...
  2. C

    Bradford to Biscarosse - our trip to Southern France

    Nice trip. As a French resident, I tend not to use autoroute chargers, but go for chargers just by a junction, which tend to be cheaper, (and a bit slower). I use Izivia (EDF's own) and Mobive (Nouvel Aquitaine) rfids , using Abrp to find and filter out the slower chargers, and when not in a...
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