Recent content by Yeldarb

  1. Y

    Claiming at home electricity costs for a PHEV on a novated lease (Australia)

    Trolling FB pages, I came across a very recent post on a Mitsubishi PHEV page: "I have a self managed lease for an outlander with them also. I asked them about this and there are two options apparently (option 2 has only just been...
  2. Y

    Fast charging

    @Cafeg thanks for the image, so is this an app that connects to a walll charger? I’m keen to find a way to track usage so I can claim through work.
  3. Y

    Claiming at home electricity costs for a PHEV on a novated lease (Australia)

    Hi All, New to the forum, posting here, apologies in advance if it needs to be shuffled elsewhere. This is also quite specific to Australian EV owners as it relates to tax law. As per the title, are any Australian EV owners who bought there car through a novated lease enjoying the...
  4. Y

    Economy driving on a long journey

    Hi all, I’m new to the group (first post my silver HS arriving in Jan) but what are your thoughts on this scenario; Long drive like @TrevH is proposing, say 400 km. Start your journey on EV. Exhaust the battery, switch to ICE. Put the recharge into HIGH for the next 200-300 km, but once 100%...
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