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  1. beej

    Rear hatchback self unlocking

    I had notification today that the replacement rear camera is in stock. Ordered 13th February. It's now April 6th.
  2. beej


    I questioned it yesterday and it was confirmed that there is a recall. Had my phev for just over two years. I wonder when they intended contacting me?
  3. beej

    Rear hatchback self unlocking

    The tailgate opens regardless of where the fob is. It also clicks open when held in the hand, without touching any button. With regard to the rear camera, the car has been inspected (I know how to wash a car) and been found defective. A new one is on order and in the fullness of time, it may...
  4. beej

    Rear hatchback self unlocking

    Has anyone had their hatchback "popping" unlocked at strange times - like getting out of the car or unlocking to disconnect the power cable? Also, has anyone had the rear camera replaced due to its clouding over? Had my HS PHEV Exclusive for just over two years.
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