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  1. MonsterMonster

    Petrol station visit was weird.

    After running the 5LR for 1400 miles since Jan 1st I visited a petrol station for the first time since then for our petrol Matiz. It felt distinctly backwards and old fashioned. Has anyone else had that feeling?
  2. MonsterMonster

    What do you think of BP Pulse Subscription?

    I was looking at the BP Pulse with a monthly subscription and I was wondering if it is decent value and if they are reliable. Apparently it's the largest network of public chargers.
  3. MonsterMonster

    Trade-in Resale Prices

    I'm wondering what the resale or trade-in prices are like for people's MG ev's. Quite a few people here are trading in their ZS ev's for the latest ZS or 5 EV after only a year or two. So, what have been your experience so far?
  4. MonsterMonster

    Smart Home Charge

    Has anyone used Smart Home Charge for installing their charging point? Praise, criticism or other suggestions welcomed. I'm looking at an Ohme Pro.
  5. MonsterMonster

    Tinting & insurance

    I believe the MG5 does not have tinted windows as standard and I've looked at a few threads on MGEV about applying tint film. Strictly speaking the insurance should be told as it is a modification. Those of you that have done this what response have you had from the insurers?
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