
The kilometre (SI symbol: km; or ), spelt kilometer in American English and Philippine English, is a unit of length in the International System of Units (SI), equal to one thousand metres (kilo- being the SI prefix for 1000). It is the preferred measurement unit to express distances between geographical places on land in most of the world; notable exceptions are the United States and the United Kingdom where the statute mile is used.
The abbreviation km is commonly used to represent kilometre. The abbreviation Km is not recommended by the BIPM. A slang term for the kilometre in the US, UK, and Canadian militaries is klick.

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  1. fatih

    MG4 Battery Health

    Greetings to everyone from Turkey. After 29000 km, my battery health was 95.54%. Is this situation normal? My vehicle is MG4 standard range LFP. I usually charge it with 2.7 kW in my parking lot.
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