
In mathematics, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the lowest common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions. It simplifies adding, subtracting, and comparing fractions.

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  1. mrg9999

    Lowest charger before discharge

    Today down to 18% from 80% 160 miles (Trip was reset at 30 miles by mistake)
  2. halogen

    lowest price MG4 worldwide

    MG indonesia just dropped the bomb! locally assembled.. and the price is crayyzyy rp 433,000,000 for Mg 4, SR non trophy. thats about 22,000 pounds... Mg zs, i dont know the spec.. its about 23,000 pounds. jesus... indonesia is going to be flooded with new evs with BYD dolphin, atto3, seal...
  3. gonzocomet

    what's the lowest % battery you've gone to on a trip ?

    went down to 7% on trip last night, at 8% the GOM gave up and just said -- has anyone got down to last few % points and kept going ? just interested if the % left is accurate and hence ok to go down to 1 or 2% ?
  4. TassiedEVil

    MG4 in Australia - outsold Tesla 3 in November!

    Australia’s lowest cost EVs give electric sales a boost as MG4 leapfrogs Model 3
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