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  1. A

    Is there a built in wheel lock?

    Thank you
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    Is there a built in wheel lock?

    You normally have to pull the wheel clockwise to disengage it, and thats where the disklok comes in, as it prevents that. But without a built in lock, it won’t be as effective.
  3. A

    Is there a built in wheel lock?

    Yeah one of these. And agree - but they’ve been stealing the vehicles so more concerned about stopping them once they get it started. Three vehicles gone in the last week. 😟
  4. A

    Is there a built in wheel lock?

    We’ve had some attempted and successful vehicle thefts recently and I’ve bought Disklok wheel lock. However, upon installation I now realise it is meant to be used in conjunction with the built in wheel column lock. Every car I have used has had one, but I can’t seem to figure out how to use...
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