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  1. n8sail

    Year old car 60k on clock would you buy ?

    Considering they are currently not even allowing you to book a new MG5 here in Thailand, I reckon that vehicle would be scooped up in seconds even with that high price if it was here. Google Translated from a Thai article: "Therefore, the company Considering the limited production capacity of...
  2. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    Fantastic, many thanks for making the video, and for sharing on this thread! Exactly what I want to do, except pulling a little more occasionally. From what I can see the MG5 / MG EP can probably handle it. Liked and sub'd!
  3. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    I suspect it has the same original battery as the benzene-powered version of the car in China. These vehicles have been around several years in their ICE format in China before they were converted to electric a couple years ago. It was probably easier for the engineers to just leave the...
  4. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    Thanks, I'm well aware of limitations and best practices using the various Lead Acid battery types. I've been sailing/cruising for decades with Lead Acid batteries, sealed and un-sealed using nothing more than a multimeter and the 'resting voltage' as indicator of State of Charge. Haven't been...
  5. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    I guess i should rephrase that... Most of the ones I see available here in Thailand claim to be PSW... So whether or not they actually are is another issue. Consumer protection, especially for an expat, is virtually non-existent here. Defamation laws are insane here as well, so Buddha help...
  6. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    Definitely will. Luckily pretty much all inverters now are PSW. I do remember the days of the sawtooth or square wave old-school inverters. Nightmare to run anything sensitive like audio or sensor equipment off of.
  7. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    Indeed that's a good idea. I'll make sure to read the friendly manual of the Inverter to see what it does in low-voltage situations. I suspect these modern ones all have a shut-off. Does anyone know what voltage the 12vdc battery has to go below before the MG5 won't start? I imagine a bit...
  8. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    A heck of an lot more than a ~$70 inverter, some mounting hardware, wire, terminals and a fuse ;) Plus I can do all this within a weekend. Also, we don't even have the long range version here in Thailand yet, so one can be certain the next version with V2L will be ages away. We're allowed our...
  9. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    Yes, a 150A fuse would be a good idea from battery to the inverter itself. At 178A, the DC-DC converter is basically as powerful as a larger car Alternator, which should easily power an inverter like this. Glad I'm not the only one thinking about this. Thanks guys!
  10. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    I would connect it directly to the 12Vdc battery, the car really wouldn't know it's there. Any current needed over what the vehicle's on-board 400vdc-12vdc converter can supply should be delivered by the car's 12vdc battery, no? The Car's DC-DC converter will just keep pushing out its set...
  11. n8sail

    Anyone installed a large 12VDC to 220V AC Inverter in a MG5?

    I would like to put a relatively large DC-AC inverter into my MG5 so that I can have 'mains' plugs to run vacuum cleaner etc. when working on my boat, which does not have a 'mains' nearby without many many meters of extension cords. There is plenty of room in the bonnet on the Thai version of...
  12. n8sail

    Can I limit charging to 80% and if so how?

    Maybe someday there will be a software update to allow control of this on the car side. I have read over and over again that, regardless of Li Battery tech, only charging to 80% most of the time is the best for getting the full longevity from the pack. 20%-80% is best. Well, many other...
  13. n8sail

    Leaving the car for 18 days

    I didn't either, but that's what the Friendly Manual said to do.... Whatever you do, do not leave it below 20% for extended periods, that is definitely bad for it.
  14. n8sail

    Leaving the car for 18 days

    I left mine for nearly 6 weeks a couple months ago on a trip back home. Charged to 100%, balance cycle completed, per manual instructions. It was still at 100% when I arrived back here in Thailand.
  15. n8sail

    Android auto

    Girlfriend's Samsung Note 10+ seems to work 90% of the time. My Moto X4 has worked precisely 2x, and disconnected after a few minutes. However, the USB-C port has now been troubleshot and is definitely dodgy, likely from dozens of douses in seawater over the years and then drinking beer...
  16. n8sail

    Infotainment restart

    Has happened to mine maybe 4 or 5 times since purchase in May. Nearly at 9,000km now so in another 1,000km she'll need first service and I'll ask if there's an update. It doesn't seem to have done it recently though, weirdly enough. Most of the occurrences were in the first month or 2. My...
  17. n8sail

    Show off your car on collection day thread?

    Funny coincidental location for that dealership: Classical Chinese cars and Classical Chinese cuisine on sale right next to each other! Is it the same family that owns both businesses I wonder? :) :) They make a pretty big deal out of 'new car collection day' here... some people even bring...
  18. n8sail

    Driving in floods?

    With traditional cars, air intake indeed is your limiting factor, but from what I've seen, the problems encountered from wading often don't rear their ugly heads until later, sometimes years... electrical gremlins resulting from corrosion on connectors etc. are a real PITA to deal with...
  19. n8sail

    rapid charging battery percentage

    I did my 2nd fast DC charge the other day, typical 31C ambient temp, and noticed the same thing... charged it from ~25% up to ~85% in around 30 minutes. On the trip immediately following the charge, which normally uses about 10% of the battery, it had already used more than 15%. Also noticed...
  20. n8sail

    Wade depth

    Indeed that's the case, it was designed to float. Given that the doors themselves are below the waterline, I'd be nervous of the weather stripping leaking after some years of wear and tear. As Kithmo mentions, not intended for flowing water, or any sort of wave action. FOMM even says on its...
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