
Audible is an American online audiobook and podcast service that allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content. This content can be purchased individually or under a subscription model where the user receives "credits" that can be redeemed for content monthly and receive access to a curated on-demand library of content. Audible is the United States' largest audiobook producer and retailer. The service is owned by Audible, a wholly-owned subsidiary of, Inc., headquartered in Newark, New Jersey.

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  1. B

    LKA audible alert or EPS error?!

    The main question I think I'm asking is; if I have LKA audio alerts on, should it do an alert every time it also assists steering? Background: like most people I find LKA intrusive with frequent false positives, however, I am now wondering if its actually a EPS steering position sensor fault? I...
  2. Philekent

    Audible Reversing warning

    I was wondering if anyone has bought / fitted an Audible Warning 'noise maker' which seem to becoming more and more common in other Marques. ?
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