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  1. AnonymouseDriva

    5LR Forward Collision System

    Hi All. Just looking for a bit of advice / experience on how this should work. My system is set to 'Emergency braking'. It has never done this, and I'm not of a mind to drive at something to test it... The manual seems to suggest that you have an alert mode, and an 'Emergency braking...
  2. AnonymouseDriva

    Does anyone actually use Speed Assist on the 5LR?

    I ask as I do, but it seems to me that it's a pretty poor implementation. Not sure how it compares to the ZS though. 1) You have to turn it back on in the infotainment unit EVERY TIME YOU DRIVE, regardless of manual or intelligent, it sets back to 'off' when you start the car. I wouldn't mind -...
  3. AnonymouseDriva

    Climate Control - AC always on?

    Hi All. I have a question about the A/C button / light on the "Automatic Temperature Control" system Simply - the question is - is it normal for A/C to always be on when the system is set to AUTO? and for the longer explanation... This may be 'fluid terminology' or a loss in translation in the...
  4. AnonymouseDriva

    MG5's silent protest against 20MPH speed limits.

    Well, 48 hours and 70 odd miles in, it seems that Ernie (Mg5 LR Exclusive) is indeed the fastest milk cart in the west. So much so, in fact, that he actively protests against what he considers overbearing speed restrictions. I noticed an intermittent failure on the drive home from collecting...
  5. AnonymouseDriva

    Services & Service Plans

    Hi all. Following on from a thread I've seen over on the MGEV Owners Club facebook page and a few discussions I've seen on here, I thought it might be worth pulling together people's experiences with MG5 services and service plans. One of the many savings quoted on EVs is that there are less...
  6. AnonymouseDriva

    KERS / CRBS - What's the difference?

    Hi all. Browsing the manual whilst I'm waiting for my MG5 to arrive, I see that this car has both KERS (so 'Kinetic Energy Recovery System') that kicks in when you let off the accelerator and slows the car , recharging the battery a bit. It also has CRBS (Co-operative Regenerative Braking...
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