user manual

A user guide, also commonly known as a user manual, is intended to assist users in using a particular product, service or application. It's usually written by a technician, product developer, or a company's customer service staff.
Most user guides contain both a written guide and associated images. In the case of computer applications, it is usual to include screenshots of the human-machine interface(s), and hardware manuals often include clear, simplified diagrams. The language used is matched to the intended audience, with jargon kept to a minimum or explained thoroughly.

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  1. G

    MG4 Trophy - a Guide

    This is a Guide to an MG4 Trophy (2023 version with R40 infotainment software) which is intended to help drivers quickly understand the features available. I am attaching the pdf version of the Guide to this post. A Word version is also available from a Microsoft OneDrive together with an...
  2. R

    Tyre Pressure

    Does anyone know what type pressure is needed for a fully loaded car? The user manual only states unladen vehicle. Types are 235/50 R18 Any help appreciated
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